class Bio::Fasta::Report

Summarized results of the fasta execution results.



Splitter for Bio::FlatFile



piece of next entry. Bio::FlatFile uses it.


Returns an Array of Bio::Fasta::Report::Hit objects.


Returns the ‘The best scores are’ lines as a String.


Returns the trailing lines including library size, execution date, fasta function used, and fasta versions as a String.


Returns a Bio::Fasta::Report::Program object.


Query definition. For older reports, the value may be nil.


Query sequence length. For older reports, the value may be nil.

Public Class Methods

new(data) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
 69 def initialize(data)
 70   # Split outputs containing multiple query sequences' results
 71   chunks = data.split(/^(\s*\d+\>\>\>.*)/, 3)
 72   if chunks.size >= 3 then
 73     if chunks[0].strip.empty? then
 74       qdef_line = chunks[1]
 75       data = chunks[1..2].join('')
 76       overruns = chunks[3..-1]
 77     elsif /^\>\>\>/ =~ chunks[0] then
 78       qdef_line = nil
 79       data = chunks.shift
 80       overruns = chunks
 81     else
 82       qdef_line = chunks[1]
 83       data = chunks[0..2].join('')
 84       overruns = chunks[3..-1]
 85     end
 86     @entry_overrun = overruns.join('')
 87     if qdef_line and
 88         /^ *\d+\>\>\>([^ ]+) .+ \- +(\d+) +(nt|aa)\s*$/ =~ qdef_line then
 89       @query_def = $1
 90       @query_len = $2.to_i
 91     end
 92   end
 94   # header lines - brief list of the hits
 95   if list_start = data.index("\nThe best scores are") then
 96     data = data[(list_start + 1)..-1]
 97     data.sub!(/(.*?)\n\n>>>/m, '')
 98     @list = $1
 99     data.sub!(/>>><<<(.*)$/m, '')
100   else
101     if list_start = data.index(/\n!!\s+/) then
102       data = data[list_start..-1]
103       data.sub!(/\n!!\s+/, '')
104       data.sub!(/.*/) { |x| @list = x; '' }
105     else
106       data = data.sub(/.*/) { |x| @list = x; '' }
107     end
108   end
110   # body lines - fasta execution result
111   program, *hits = data.split(/\n>>/)
113   # trailing lines - log messages of the execution
114   @log = hits.pop
115   @log.sub!(/.*<\n/m, '')
116   @log.strip!
118   # parse results
119   @program =
120   @hits = []
122   hits.each do |x|
123     @hits.push(
124   end
125 end

Public Instance Methods

each() { |x| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates on each Bio::Fasta::Report::Hit object.

    # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
150 def each
151   @hits.each do |x|
152     yield x
153   end
154 end
lap_over(length_min = 0) click to toggle source

Returns an Array of Bio::Fasta::Report::Hit objects having longer overlap length than ‘length_min’.

    # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
168 def lap_over(length_min = 0)
169   list = []
170   @hits.each do |x|
171     list.push(x) if x.overlap > length_min
172   end
173   return list
174 end
threshold(evalue_max = 0.1) click to toggle source

Returns an Array of Bio::Fasta::Report::Hit objects having better evalue than ‘evalue_max’.

    # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
158 def threshold(evalue_max = 0.1)
159   list = []
160   @hits.each do |x|
161     list.push(x) if x.evalue < evalue_max
162   end
163   return list
164 end