class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Range::CutRanges

Container for many CutRange objects or CutRange child objects. Inherits from array.

Public Instance Methods

include?(i) click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
21 def include?(i); self.collect{|a| a.include?(i)}.include?(true); end
max() click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
20 def max; self.collect{|a| a.max}.flatten.sort.last; end
max_vertical() click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
27 def max_vertical
28   vertical_min_max_helper( :max )
29 end
min() click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
19 def min; self.collect{|a| a.min}.flatten.sort.first; end
min_vertical() click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
23 def min_vertical
24   vertical_min_max_helper( :min )
25 end

Protected Instance Methods

vertical_min_max_helper( sym_which ) click to toggle source
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/range/cut_ranges.rb
33 def vertical_min_max_helper( sym_which )
34   tmp = []
35   self.each do |a|
36     next unless a.class == Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::Range::VerticalCutRange
37     tmp << a.send( sym_which )
38   end
39   z = (sym_which == :max) ? :last : :first
40   tmp.flatten.sort.send(z)
41 end