module Bio::Alignment::OriginalPrivate

Bio::Alignment::OriginalPrivate is a set of private methods for Bio::Alignment::OriginalAlignment.

Public Class Methods

extract_key(obj) click to toggle source

Gets the name or the definition of the sequence from given object.

     # File lib/bio/alignment.rb
1493 def extract_key(obj)
1494   sn = nil
1495   for m in [ :definition, :entry_id ]
1496     begin
1497       sn = obj.send(m)
1498     rescue NameError, ArgumentError
1499       sn = nil
1500     end
1501     break if sn
1502   end
1503   sn
1504 end
extract_seq(obj) click to toggle source

Gets the sequence from given object.

     # File lib/bio/alignment.rb
1478 def extract_seq(obj)
1479   if obj.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::NA) or obj.is_a?(Bio::Sequence::AA) then
1480     obj
1481   else
1482     meth = [ :seq, :naseq, :aaseq ].find {|m|
1483       obj.respond_to? m
1484     }
1485     meth ?
1486       obj.__send__(meth) :
1487       obj
1488   end
1489 end