class Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Iteration

Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Iteration stores information about a iteration. It may contain some Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit objects. Note that a PSI-BLAST (blastpgp command) result usually contain multiple iterations in it, and a normal BLAST (blastall command) result usually contain one iteration in it.



name (title or filename) of the database


number of sequences in database


number of letters in database


effective length of the database


entropy of the database


e-value threshold specified when BLAST was executed


gapped entropy of the database


gapped kappa of the database


gapped lambda of the database


kappa of the database


lambda of the database


(PSI-BLAST) Messages of the iteration.


(PSI-BLAST) Iteration round number.


(PHI-BLAST) Number of occurrences of pattern in the database.


posted date of the database

Public Class Methods

new(data) click to toggle source

Creates a new Iteration object. It is designed to be called only internally from the Bio::Blast::Default::Report class. Users shall not use the method directly.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
492 def initialize(data)
493   @f0stat = []
494   @f0dbstat = AlwaysNil.instance
495   @f0hitlist = []
496   @hits = []
497   @num = 1
498   r = data.shift
499   @f0message = [ r ]
500   r.gsub!(/^Results from round (\d+).*\z/) { |x|
501     @num = $1.to_i
502     @f0message << x
503     ''
504   }
505   r = data.shift
506   while /^Number of occurrences of pattern in the database is +(\d+)/ =~ r
507     # PHI-BLAST
508     @pattern_in_database = $1.to_i
509     @f0message << r
510     r = data.shift
511   end
512   if /^Results from round (\d+)/ =~ r then
513     @num = $1.to_i
514     @f0message << r
515     r = data.shift
516   end
517   if r and !(/\*{5} No hits found \*{5}/ =~ r) then
518     @f0hitlist << r
519     begin
520       @f0hitlist << data.shift
521     end until r = data[0] and /^\>/ =~ r
522     if r and /^CONVERGED\!/ =~ r then
523       r.sub!(/(.*\n)*^CONVERGED\!.*\n/) { |x| @f0hitlist << x; '' }
524     end
525     if defined?(@pattern_in_database) and r = data.first then
526       #PHI-BLAST
527       while /^\>/ =~ r
528         @hits <<
529         r = data.first
530         break unless r
531         while /^Significant alignments for pattern/ =~ r
532           data.shift
533           r = data.first
534         end
535       end
536     else
537       #not PHI-BLAST
538       while r = data[0] and /^\>/ =~ r
539         @hits <<
540       end
541     end
542   end
543   if /^CONVERGED\!\s*$/ =~ @f0hitlist[-1].to_s then
544     @message = 'CONVERGED!'
545     @flag_converged = true
546   end
547 end

Public Instance Methods

converged?() click to toggle source

(PSI-BLAST) Returns true if the iteration is converged. Otherwise, returns false.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
573 def converged?
574   @flag_converged
575 end
each() { |x| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each hit of the iteration. Yields a Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit object.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
565 def each
566   hits.each do |x|
567     yield x
568   end
569 end
hits() click to toggle source

Returns the hits of the iteration. It returns an array of Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit objects.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
558 def hits
559   parse_hitlist
560   @hits
561 end
hits_for_pattern() click to toggle source

(PHI-BLAST) Returns hits for pattern. ????

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
625 def hits_for_pattern
626   parse_hitlist
627   @hits_for_pattern
628 end
hits_found_again() click to toggle source

(PSI-BLAST) Returns hits which have been found again in the iteration. It returns an array of Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit objects.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
611 def hits_found_again
612   parse_hitlist
613   @hits_found_again
614 end
hits_newly_found() click to toggle source

(PSI-BLAST) Returns hits which have been newly found in the iteration. It returns an array of Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit objects.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
619 def hits_newly_found
620   parse_hitlist
621   @hits_newly_found
622 end
pattern() click to toggle source

(PHI-BLAST) Returns pattern string. Returns nil if it is not a PHI-BLAST result.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
579 def pattern
580   #PHI-BLAST
581   if defined? @pattern
582     @pattern
583   elsif defined? @pattern_in_database then
584     @pattern = nil
585     @pattern_positions = []
586     @f0message.each do |r|
587       sc =
588       if sc.skip_until(/^ *pattern +([^\s]+)/) then
589         @pattern = sc[1] unless @pattern
590         sc.skip_until(/(?:^ *| +)at position +(\d+) +of +query +sequence/)
591         @pattern_positions << sc[1].to_i
592       end
593     end
594     @pattern
595   else
596     nil
597   end
598 end
pattern_positions() click to toggle source

(PHI-BLAST) Returns pattern positions. Returns nil if it is not a PHI-BLAST result.

    # File lib/bio/appl/blast/format0.rb
602 def pattern_positions
603   #PHI-BLAST
604   pattern
605   @pattern_positions
606 end