class Bio::Blast::WU::Report
parses WU-BLAST default output and stores information in the data. It may contain a Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Iteration
object. Because it inherits Bio::Blast::Default::Report
, please also refer Bio::Blast::Default::Report
Public Instance Methods
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 122 def db 123 unless defined?(@db) 124 if /Database *\: *(.*)/m =~ @f0database then 125 a = $1.split(/^/) 126 if a.size > 1 and /\ASearching\..+ done\s*\z/ =~ a[-1] then 127 a.pop 128 end 129 if a.size > 1 and /\A +[\d\,]+ +sequences\; +[\d\,]+ total +letters\.?\s*\z/ =~ a[-1] then 130 a.pop 131 end 132 @db = a.collect { |x| x.sub(/\s+\z/, '') }.join(' ') 133 end 134 end #unless 135 @db 136 end
Returns the name (filename or title) of the database.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 79 def exit_code 80 if defined? @exit_code then 81 @exit_code 82 else 83 nil 84 end 85 end
(WU-BLAST) Returns exit code for the execution. Returns an Integer or nil.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 93 def exit_code_message 94 if defined? @exit_code_message then 95 @exit_code_message 96 else 97 nil 98 end 99 end
(WU-BLAST) Returns the message bundled with the exit code output. The message will be shown when WU-BLAST ignores a fatal error due to the command line option “-nonnegok”, “-novalidctxok”, or “-shortqueryok”.
Returns a String or nil.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 50 def expect; parse_parameters; @parameters['E']; end
Returns e-value threshold specified when BLAST was executed.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 113 def fatal_errors 114 if defined? @fatal_errors then 115 @fatal_errors 116 else 117 nil 118 end 119 end
(WU-BLAST) Returns fatal error information. Returns nil or an array containing String.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 103 def notes 104 if defined? @notes then 105 @notes 106 else 107 nil 108 end 109 end
(WU-BLAST) Returns “NOTE:” information. Returns nil or an array containing String.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 62 def notice 63 unless defined?(@notice) 64 @notice = @f0notice.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip 65 end #unless 66 @notice 67 end
Returns notice messages.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 44 def parameter_matrix 45 parse_parameters 46 @parameter_matrix 47 end
Returns parameter matrix (???)
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 38 def parameters 39 parse_parameters 40 @parameters 41 end
Returns parameters (???)
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 72 def query_record_number 73 format0_parse_query 74 @query_record_number 75 end
(WU-BLAST) Returns record number of the query. It may only be available for reports with multiple queries. Returns an Integer or nil.
# File lib/bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb 53 def warnings 54 unless defined?(@warnings) 55 @warnings = @f0warnings 56 iterations.each { |x| @warnings.concat(x.warnings) } 57 end 58 @warnings 59 end
Returns warning messages.