module Bio::Command


Bio::Command is a collection of useful methods for execution of external commands or web applications. Any wrapper class for applications shall use this class.

Library internal use only. Users should not directly use it.



Public Instance Methods

call_command(cmd, options = {}) { |io| ... } click to toggle source

Executes the program. Automatically select popen for Ruby 1.9 or Windows environment and fork for the others. A block must be given. An IO object is passed to the block.

Available options:

:chdir => "path" : changes working directory to the specified path.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) options: Hash



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
196 def call_command(cmd, options = {}, &block) #:yields: io
197   if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.0" then
198     return call_command_popen(cmd, options, &block)
199   elsif no_fork? then
200     call_command_popen(cmd, options, &block)
201   else
202     begin
203       call_command_fork(cmd, options, &block)
204     rescue NotImplementedError
205       # fork(2) not implemented
206       @@no_fork = true
207       call_command_popen(cmd, options, &block)
208     end
209   end
210 end
call_command_fork(cmd, options = {}) { |io| ... } click to toggle source

This method is internally called from the call_command method. In normal case, use call_command, and do not call this method directly.

Executes the program via fork (by using IO.popen(“-”)) and exec. A block must be given. An IO object is passed to the block.

See the document of call_command for available options.

Note for Ruby 1.8: In Ruby 1.8, from the view point of security, this method is recommended rather than call_command_popen. However, this method might have problems with multi-threads.

Note for Ruby 1.9: In Ruby 1.9, this method can not be used, because Thread.critical is removed. In Ruby 1.9, call_command_popen is safe and robust enough, and is the recommended way, because IO.popen is improved to get a command-line as an array without calling shell.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) options: Hash



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
373 def call_command_fork(cmd, options = {})
374   dir = options[:chdir]
375   cmd = safe_command_line_array(cmd)
376   begin
377   tc, Thread.critical, flag0, flag1 = Thread.critical, true, true, true
378   IO.popen("-", "r+") do |io|
379     if io then
380       # parent
381       flag0, Thread.critical, flag1 = false, tc, false
382       yield io
383     else
384       # child
385       Thread.critical = true # for safety, though already true
386       GC.disable
387       # chdir to options[:chdir] if available
388       begin
389         Dir.chdir(dir) if dir
390       rescue Exception
391         Process.exit!(1)
392       end
393       # executing the command
394       begin
395         Kernel.exec(*cmd)
396       rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EACCES
397         Process.exit!(127)
398       rescue Exception
399       end
400       Process.exit!(1)
401     end
402   end
403   ensure
404     # When IO.popen("-") raises error, Thread.critical will be set here.
405     Thread.critical = tc if flag0 or flag1
406     #warn 'Thread.critical might have wrong value.' if flag0 != flag1
407   end
408 end
call_command_open3(cmd) { |pin, pout, perr| ... } click to toggle source

Executes the program via Open3.popen3 A block must be given. IO objects are passed to the block.

You would use this method only when you really need to get stderr.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
419 def call_command_open3(cmd)
420   cmd = safe_command_line_array(cmd)
421   Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |pin, pout, perr|
422     yield pin, pout, perr
423   end
424 end
call_command_popen(cmd, options = {}, &block) click to toggle source

This method is internally called from the call_command method. In normal case, use call_command, and do not call this method directly.

Executes the program via IO.popen for OS which doesn’t support fork. A block must be given. An IO object is passed to the block.

See the document of call_command for available options.

Note for Ruby 1.8: In Ruby 1.8, although shell unsafe characters are escaped. If inescapable characters exists, it raises RuntimeError. So, call_command_fork is normally recommended.

Note for Ruby 1.9: In Ruby 1.9, call_command_popen is safe and robust enough, and is the recommended way, because IO.popen is improved to get a command-line as an array without calling shell.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) options: Hash



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
235 def call_command_popen(cmd, options = {}, &block)
236   if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.0" then
237     if RUBY_ENGINE == 'jruby' then
238       _call_command_popen_jruby19(cmd, options, &block)
239     else
240       _call_command_popen_ruby19(cmd, options, &block)
241     end
242   else
243     _call_command_popen_ruby18(cmd, options, &block)
244   end
245 end
escape_shell(str) click to toggle source

Escape special characters in command line string.


  • (required) str: String


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
121 def escape_shell(str)
122   if windows_platform? then
123     escape_shell_windows(str)
124   else
125     escape_shell_unix(str)
126   end
127 end
escape_shell_unix(str) click to toggle source

Escape special characters in command line string for UNIX shells.


  • (required) str: String


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
110 def escape_shell_unix(str)
111   str = str.to_s
112   raise 'cannot escape control characters' if UNESCAPABLE_CHARS =~ str
113   str.gsub(UNSAFE_CHARS_UNIX) { |x| "\\#{x}" }
114 end
escape_shell_windows(str) click to toggle source

Escape special characters in command line string for cmd.exe on Windows.


  • (required) str: String


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
 95 def escape_shell_windows(str)
 96   str = str.to_s
 97   raise 'cannot escape control characters' if UNESCAPABLE_CHARS =~ str
 98   if QUOTE_CHARS_WINDOWS =~ str then
 99     '"' + str.gsub(/\"/, '""') + '"'
100   else
102   end
103 end
http_post(http, path, data, header = {}) click to toggle source

Same as:

http =;, data, header)

and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set. In addition, header can be set. (Default Content-Type is application/octet-stream. Content-Length is automatically set by default.) uri must be a URI object, params must be a hash, and header must be a hash.


  • (required) http: Net::HTTP object or compatible object

  • (required) path: String

  • (required) data: String containing data

  • (optional) header: Hash containing header strings


(same as Net::HTTP::post)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
950 def http_post(http, path, data, header = {})
951   hash = {
952     'Content-Type'   => 'application/octet-stream',
953     'Content-Length' => data.length.to_s
954   }
955   hash.update(header)
957, data, hash)
958 end
http_post_form(http, path, params = nil, header = {}) click to toggle source

Same as:

http =; http.post_form(path, params)

and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set. In addition, header can be set. (Note that Content-Type and Content-Length are automatically set by default.) uri must be a URI object, params must be a hash, and header must be a hash.


  • (required) http: Net::HTTP object or compatible object

  • (required) path: String

  • (optional) params: Hash containing parameters

  • (optional) header: Hash containing header strings


(same as Net::HTTP::post_form)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
822 def http_post_form(http, path, params = nil, header = {})
823   data = make_cgi_params(params)
825   hash = {
826     'Content-Type'   => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
827     'Content-Length' => data.length.to_s
828   }
829   hash.update(header)
831, data, hash)
832 end
make_cgi_params(params) click to toggle source

Builds parameter string for from Hash of parameters for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  • (required) params: Hash containing parameters



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
876 def make_cgi_params(params)
877   data = ""
878   case params
879   when Hash
880     data = do |key, val|
881       make_cgi_params_key_value(key, val)
882     end.join('&')
883   when Array
884     case params.first
885     when Hash
886       data = do |hash|
887 do |key, val|
888           make_cgi_params_key_value(key, val)
889         end
890       end.join('&')
891     when Array
892       data = do |key, val|
893         make_cgi_params_key_value(key, val)
894       end.join('&')
895     when String
896       data = do |str|
897         key, val = str.split(/\=/, 2)
898         if val then
899           make_cgi_params_key_value(key, val)
900         else
901           CGI.escape(str)
902         end
903       end.join('&')
904     end
905   when String
906     raise TypeError, 'Bio::Command.make_cgi_params no longer accepts a single String as a form'
907   end
908   return data
909 end
make_cgi_params_key_value(key, value) click to toggle source

Builds parameter string for from a key string and a value (or values) for application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


  • (required) key: String

  • (required) value: String or Array containing String



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
919 def make_cgi_params_key_value(key, value)
920   result = []
921   case value
922   when Array
923     value.each do |val|
924       result << [key, val].map {|x| CGI.escape(x.to_s) }.join('=')
925     end
926   else
927     result << [key, value].map {|x| CGI.escape(x.to_s) }.join('=')
928   end
929   return result
930 end
make_command_line(ary) click to toggle source

Generate command line string with special characters escaped.


  • (required) ary: Array containing String objects


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
134 def make_command_line(ary)
135   if windows_platform? then
136     make_command_line_windows(ary)
137   else
138     make_command_line_unix(ary)
139   end
140 end
make_command_line_unix(ary) click to toggle source

Generate command line string with special characters escaped for UNIX shells.


  • (required) ary: Array containing String objects


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
158 def make_command_line_unix(ary)
159   ary.collect { |str| escape_shell_unix(str) }.join(" ")
160 end
make_command_line_windows(ary) click to toggle source

Generate command line string with special characters escaped for cmd.exe on Windows.


  • (required) ary: Array containing String objects


String object

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
148 def make_command_line_windows(ary)
149   ary.collect { |str| escape_shell_windows(str) }.join(" ")
150 end
mktmpdir(prefix_suffix = nil, tmpdir = nil) { |path| ... } click to toggle source

Backport of Dir.mktmpdir in Ruby 1.9.

Same as Dir.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix) in Ruby 1.9.


  • (optional) prefix_suffix: String (or Array, etc.)

  • (optional) tmpdir: String: temporary directory’s path

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
573 def mktmpdir(prefix_suffix = nil, tmpdir = nil, &block)
574   begin
575     Dir.mktmpdir(prefix_suffix, tmpdir, &block)
576   rescue NoMethodError
577     # backported from Ruby 1.9.2-preview1.
578     # ***** Below is excerpted from Ruby 1.9.2-preview1's lib/tmpdir.rb ****
579     # ***** Be careful about copyright. ****
580     case prefix_suffix
581     when nil
582       prefix = "d"
583       suffix = ""
584     when String
585       prefix = prefix_suffix
586       suffix = ""
587     when Array
588       prefix = prefix_suffix[0]
589       suffix = prefix_suffix[1]
590     else
591       raise ArgumentError, "unexpected prefix_suffix: #{prefix_suffix.inspect}"
592     end
593     tmpdir ||= Dir.tmpdir
594     t ="%Y%m%d")
595     n = nil
596     begin
597       path = "#{tmpdir}/#{prefix}#{t}-#{$$}-#{rand(0x100000000).to_s(36)}"
598       path << "-#{n}" if n
599       path << suffix
600       Dir.mkdir(path, 0700)
601     rescue Errno::EEXIST
602       n ||= 0
603       n += 1
604       retry
605     end
607     if block_given?
608       begin
609         yield path
610       ensure
611         remove_entry_secure path
612       end
613     else
614       path
615     end
616     # ***** Above is excerpted from Ruby 1.9.2-preview1's lib/tmpdir.rb ****
617   end
618 end
new_http(address, port = 80) click to toggle source

Same as:, port)

and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set.


  • (required) address: String containing host name or IP address

  • (optional) port: port (sanme as Net::HTTP::start)


(same as except for proxy support)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
782 def new_http(address, port = 80)
783   uri = URI.parse("http://#{address}:#{port}")
784   # Note: URI#find_proxy is an unofficial method defined in open-uri.rb.
785   # If the spec of open-uri.rb would be changed, we should change below.
786   if proxyuri = uri.find_proxy then
787     raise 'Non-HTTP proxy' if proxyuri.class != URI::HTTP
788, port,, proxyuri.port)
789   else
790, port)
791   end
792 end
new_https(address, port = 443) click to toggle source

Same as:

h = Bio::Command.new_http(address, port)
h.use_ssl = true
    # File lib/bio/command.rb
798 def new_https(address, port = 443)
799   connection = new_http(address, port)
800   connection.use_ssl = true
801   connection
802 end
no_fork?() click to toggle source

CAUTION Bio::Command INTERNAL USE ONLY. Users must NOT use the method. The method will be removed when it is not needed.

Checks if the OS does not support fork(2) system call. When not supported, it returns true. When supported or unknown, it returns false or nil.

Known issues:

  • It might make a mistake in minor platforms/architectures/interpreters.


true, false or nil.

   # File lib/bio/command.rb
80 def no_fork?
81   if (defined?(@@no_fork) && @@no_fork) or
82       windows_platform? or /java/i =~ RUBY_PLATFORM then
83     true
84   else
85     false
86   end
87 end
post(uri, data, header = {}) click to toggle source

Same as:, params) and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set. In addition, header can be set. (Default Content-Type is application/octet-stream. Content-Length is automatically set by default.) uri must be a URI object, data must be a String, and header must be a hash.


  • (required) uri: URI object or String

  • (optional) data: String containing data

  • (optional) header: Hash containing header strings


(same as Net::HTTP::post)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
977 def post(uri, data, header = {})
978   unless uri.is_a?(URI)
979     uri = URI.parse(uri)
980   end
982   hash = {
983     'Content-Type'   => 'application/octet-stream',
984     'Content-Length' => data.length.to_s
985   }
986   hash.update(header)
988   start_http_uri(uri) do |http|
989, data, hash)
990   end
991 end
post_form(uri, params = nil, header = {}) click to toggle source

Same as: Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, params) and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set. In addition, header can be set. (Note that Content-Type and Content-Length are automatically set by default.) uri must be a URI object, params must be a hash, and header must be a hash.


  • (required) uri: URI object or String

  • (optional) params: Hash containing parameters

  • (optional) header: Hash containing header strings


(same as Net::HTTP::post_form)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
851 def post_form(uri, params = nil, header = {})
852   unless uri.is_a?(URI)
853     uri = URI.parse(uri)
854   end
856   data = make_cgi_params(params)
858   hash = {
859     'Content-Type'   => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
860     'Content-Length' => data.length.to_s
861   }
862   hash.update(header)
864   start_http_uri(uri) do |http|
865, data, hash)
866   end
867 end
query_command(cmd, query = nil, options = {}) click to toggle source

Executes the program with the query (String) given to the standard input, waits the program termination, and returns the output data printed to the standard output as a string.

Automatically select popen for Ruby 1.9 or Windows environment and fork for the others.

Available options:

:chdir => "path" : changes working directory to the specified path.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) query: String

  • (optional) options: Hash


String or nil

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
442 def query_command(cmd, query = nil, options = {})
443   if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.0" then
444     return query_command_popen(cmd, query, options)
445   elsif no_fork? then
446     query_command_popen(cmd, query, options)
447   else
448     begin
449       query_command_fork(cmd, query, options)
450     rescue NotImplementedError
451       # fork(2) not implemented
452       @@no_fork = true
453       query_command_fork(cmd, query, options)
454     end
455   end
456 end
query_command_fork(cmd, query = nil, options = {}) click to toggle source

This method is internally called from the query_command method. In normal case, use query_command, and do not call this method directly.

Executes the program with the query (String) given to the standard input, waits the program termination, and returns the output data printed to the standard output as a string.

Fork (by using IO.popen(“-”)) and exec is used to execute the program.

See the document of query_command for available options.

See the document of call_command_fork for the security and Ruby version specific issues.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) query: String

  • (optional) options: Hash


String or nil

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
507 def query_command_fork(cmd, query = nil, options = {})
508   ret = nil
509   call_command_fork(cmd, options) do |io|
510     io.sync = true
511     io.print query if query
512     io.close_write
513     ret =
514   end
515   ret
516 end
query_command_open3(cmd, query = nil) click to toggle source

Executes the program via Open3.popen3 with the query (String) given to the stain, waits the program termination, and returns the data from stdout and stderr as an array of the strings.

You would use this method only when you really need to get stderr.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) query: String


Array containing 2 objects: output string (or nil) and stderr string (or nil)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
529 def query_command_open3(cmd, query = nil)
530   errorlog = nil
531   cmd = safe_command_line_array(cmd)
532   Open3.popen3(*cmd) do |pin, pout, perr|
533     perr.sync = true
534     t = Thread.start { errorlog = }
535     begin
536       pin.print query if query
537       pin.close
538       output =
539     ensure
540       t.join
541     end
542     [ output, errorlog ]
543   end
544 end
query_command_popen(cmd, query = nil, options = {}) click to toggle source

This method is internally called from the query_command method. In normal case, use query_command, and do not call this method directly.

Executes the program with the query (String) given to the standard input, waits the program termination, and returns the output data printed to the standard output as a string.

See the document of query_command for available options.

See the document of call_command_popen for the security and Ruby version specific issues.


  • (required) cmd: Array containing String objects

  • (optional) query: String

  • (optional) options: Hash


String or nil

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
476 def query_command_popen(cmd, query = nil, options = {})
477   ret = nil
478   call_command_popen(cmd, options) do |io|
479     io.sync = true
480     io.print query if query
481     io.close_write
482     ret =
483   end
484   ret
485 end
read_uri(uri) click to toggle source

Same as OpenURI.open_uri(uri).read and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set.


  • (required) uri: URI object or String



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
706 def read_uri(uri)
707   OpenURI.open_uri(uri).read
708 end
remove_entry_secure(path, force = false) click to toggle source

Same as FileUtils.remove_entry_secure after Ruby 1.8.3. In Ruby 1.8.2 or previous version, it only shows warning message and does nothing.

It is strongly recommended using Ruby 1.8.5 or later.


  • (required) path: String

  • (optional) force: boolean

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
555 def remove_entry_secure(path, force = false)
556   begin
557     FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(path, force)
558   rescue NoMethodError
559     warn "The temporary file or directory is not removed because of the lack of FileUtils.remove_entry_secure. Use Ruby 1.8.3 or later (1.8.5 or later is strongly recommended): #{path}"
560     nil
561   end
562 end
safe_command_line_array(ary) click to toggle source

Returns an Array of command-line command and arguments that can be safely passed to Kernel.exec etc. If the given array is already safe (or empty), returns the given array.


  • (required) ary: Array



    # File lib/bio/command.rb
169 def safe_command_line_array(ary)
170   ary = ary.to_ary
171   return ary if ary.size >= 2 or ary.empty?
172   if ary.size != 1 then
173     raise 'Bug: assersion of ary.size == 1 failed'
174   end
175   arg0 = ary[0]
176   begin
177     arg0 = arg0.to_ary
178   rescue NoMethodError
179     arg0 = [ arg0, arg0 ]
180   end
181   [ arg0 ]
182 end
start_http(address, port = 80, &block) click to toggle source

Same as:

Net::HTTP.start(address, port)

and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set.


  • (required) address: String containing host name or IP address

  • (optional) port: port (sanme as Net::HTTP::start)


(same as Net::HTTP::start except for proxy support)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
758 def start_http(address, port = 80, &block)
759   uri = URI.parse("http://#{address}:#{port}")
760   # Note: URI#find_proxy is an unofficial method defined in open-uri.rb.
761   # If the spec of open-uri.rb would be changed, we should change below.
762   if proxyuri = uri.find_proxy then
763     raise 'Non-HTTP proxy' if proxyuri.class != URI::HTTP
764     http = Net::HTTP.Proxy(, proxyuri.port)
765   else
766     http = Net::HTTP
767   end
768   http.start(address, port, &block)
769 end
start_http_uri(uri, &block) click to toggle source

Same as:

Net::HTTP.start(uri.address, uri.port)

and it uses proxy if an environment variable (same as OpenURI.open_uri) is set. It supports https.

Note: This method ignores uri.path. It only uses uri.address and uri.port.


  • (required) uri: URI object or String containing URI


(same as Net::HTTP::start except for proxy and https support)

    # File lib/bio/command.rb
724 def start_http_uri(uri, &block)
725   unless uri.is_a?(URI)
726     uri = URI.parse(uri)
727   end
729   # Note: URI#find_proxy is an unofficial method defined in open-uri.rb.
730   # If the spec of open-uri.rb would be changed, we should change below.
731   if proxyuri = uri.find_proxy then
732     raise 'Non-HTTP proxy' if proxyuri.class != URI::HTTP
733     klass = Net::HTTP.Proxy(, proxyuri.port)
734   else
735     klass = Net::HTTP
736   end
738   http =, uri.port)
739   case uri.scheme
740   when 'https'
741     http.use_ssl = true
742   end
744   http.start(&block)
745 end
windows_platform?() click to toggle source

CAUTION Bio::Command INTERNAL USE ONLY. Users must NOT use the method. The method will be removed when it is not needed.

Checks if the program is running on Microsoft Windows. If Windows, returns true. Otherwise, returns false. Note that Cygwin is not treated as Windows.

Known issues:

  • It might make a mistake in minor platforms/architectures/interpreters.

  • When running JRuby on Cygwin, the result is unknown.


true or false

   # File lib/bio/command.rb
50 def windows_platform?
52   when /(?:mswin|bccwin|mingw)(?:32|64)/i
53     true
54   when /java/i
55     # Reference: Redmine's platform.rb
56     #
57     if /windows/i =~ (ENV['OS'] || ENV['os']).to_s then
58       true
59     else
60       false
61     end
62   else
63     false
64   end
65 end