class Bio::Fasta::Report::FastaFormat10Splitter

Splitter for Bio::FlatFile

Public Class Methods

new(klass, bstream) click to toggle source

creates a new splitter object

Calls superclass method Bio::FlatFile::Splitter::Template::new
   # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
23 def initialize(klass, bstream)
24   super(klass, bstream)
25   @delimiter = '>>>'
26   @real_delimiter = /^\s*\d+\>\>\>\z/
27 end

Public Instance Methods

get_entry() click to toggle source

gets an entry

   # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
35 def get_entry
36   p0 = stream_pos()
37   pieces = []
38   overrun = nil
39   first = true
40   while e = stream.gets(@delimiter)
41     pieces.push e
42     if @real_delimiter =~ e then
43       if first then
44         first = nil
45       else
46         overrun = $&
47         break
48       end
49     end
50   end
52   ent = (pieces.empty? ? nil : pieces.join(''))
53   if ent and overrun then
54     ent[-overrun.length, overrun.length] = ''
55     stream.ungets(overrun)
56   end
58   p1 = stream_pos()
59   self.entry_start_pos = p0
60   self.entry = ent
61   self.entry_ended_pos = p1
62   return ent
63 end
skip_leader() click to toggle source

do nothing and returns nil

   # File lib/bio/appl/fasta/format10.rb
30 def skip_leader
31   nil
32 end