class Bio::FlatFileIndex::Flat_1::Record

Record class.

Internal use only.



Public Class Methods

create(size, key, val) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/flatfile/index.rb
714 def self.create(size, key, val)
715, key, val))
716 end
new(str, size = nil) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/flatfile/index.rb
696 def initialize(str, size = nil)
697   a = str.split("\t")
698   a.each { |x| x.to_s.gsub!(/[\000 ]+\z/, '') }
699   @key = a.shift.to_s
700   @val = a
701   @size = (size or str.length)
702   #DEBUG.print "key=#{@key.inspect},val=#{@val.inspect},size=#{@size}\n"
703 end
to_string(size, key, val) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/flatfile/index.rb
710 def self.to_string(size, key, val)
711   sprintf("%-*s", size, key + "\t" + val.join("\t"))
712 end

Public Instance Methods

==(x) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/flatfile/index.rb
718 def ==(x)
719   self.to_s == x.to_s
720 end
to_s() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/flatfile/index.rb
706 def to_s
707   self.class.to_string(@size, @key, @val)
708 end