class Bio::GFF


The Bio::GFF and Bio::GFF::Record classes describe data contained in a GFF-formatted file. For information on the GFF format, see Data are represented in tab- delimited format, including

For example:

SEQ1     EMBL        atg       103   105     .       +       0
SEQ1     EMBL        exon      103   172     .       +       0
SEQ1     EMBL        splice5   172   173     .       +       .
SEQ1     netgene     splice5   172   173     0.94    +       .
SEQ1     genie       sp5-20    163   182     2.3     +       .
SEQ1     genie       sp5-10    168   177     2.1     +       .
SEQ1     grail       ATG       17    19      2.1     -       0

The Bio::GFF object is a container for Bio::GFF::Record objects, each representing a single line in the GFF file.