class Bio::Hinv::IdSearch

serv = serv.query(“query” => “HIT00002218*”, “id_type” => “H-INVITATIONAL-ID”, “start” => 1, “end” => 100) puts serv.result puts serv.size puts serv.start puts serv.end

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/io/hinv.rb
424 def initialize
425   @url = BASE_URI + "id_search.php"
426 end

Public Instance Methods

query(hash = {}) click to toggle source
Calls superclass method Bio::Hinv::KeywordSearch#query
    # File lib/bio/io/hinv.rb
428 def query(hash = {})
429   default = {
430     "id_type" => "H-INVITATIONAL-ID",
431     "start" => 1,
432     "end" => 100
433   }
434   options = default.update(hash)
435   super(options)
436 end