class Bio::PAML::Codeml::Report


Run PAML codeml and get the results from the output file. The Codeml::Report object is returned by Bio::PAML::Codeml.query. For example

codeml ='codeml', :runmode => 0, 
    :RateAncestor => 1, :alpha => 0.5, :fix_alpha => 0)
result = codeml.query(alignment, tree)

where alignment and tree are Bioruby objects. This class assumes we have a buffer containing the output of codeml.


Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML) is a package of programs for phylogenetic analyses of DNA or protein sequences using maximum likelihood. It is maintained and distributed for academic use free of charge by Ziheng Yang. Suggestion citation

Yang, Z. 1997
PAML: a program package for phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood 
CABIOS 13:555-556


Invoke Bioruby’s PAML codeml parser, after having read the contents of the codeml result file into buf (for example using

>> c =

Do we have two models?

>> c.models.size
=> 2
>> c.models[0].name
=> "M0"
>> c.models[1].name
=> "M3"

Check the general information

>> c.num_sequences
=> 6
>> c.num_codons
=> 134
>> c.descr
=> "M0-3"

Test whether the second model M3 is significant over M0

>> c.significant
=> true

Now fetch the results of the first model M0, and check its values

>> m0 = c.models[0]
>> m0.tree_length
=> 1.90227
>> m0.lnL
=> -1125.800375
=> 0.58589
>> m0.dN_dS
=> 0.58589
>> m0.kappa
=> 2.14311
>> m0.alpha
=> nil

We also have a tree (as a string)

>> m0.tree
=> "((((PITG_23265T0: 0.000004, PITG_23253T0: 0.400074): 0.000004, PITG_23257T0: 0.952614): 0.000004, PITG_23264T0: 0.445507): 0.000004, PITG_23267T0: 0.011814, PITG_23293T0: 0.092242);"

Check the M3 and its specific values

>> m3 = c.models[1]
>> m3.lnL
=> -1070.964046
>> m3.classes.size
=> 3
>> m3.classes[0]
=> {:w=>0.00928, :p=>0.56413}

And the tree

>> m3.tree
=> "((((PITG_23265T0: 0.000004, PITG_23253T0: 0.762597): 0.000004, PITG_23257T0: 2.721710): 0.000004, PITG_23264T0: 0.924326): 0.014562, PITG_23267T0: 0.000004, PITG_23293T0: 0.237433);"

Next take the overall posterior analysis

>> c.nb_sites.size
=> 44
>> c.nb_sites[0].to_a
=> [17, "I", 0.988, 3.293]

or by field

>> codon = c.nb_sites[0]
>> codon.position
=> 17
>> codon.probability
=> 0.988
>> codon.dN_dS
=> 3.293

with aliases

>> codon.p
=> 0.988
>> codon.w
=> 3.293

Now we generate special string ‘graph’ for positive selection. The following returns a string the length of the input alignment and shows the locations of positive selection:

>> c.nb_sites.graph[0..32]
=> "                **    *       * *"

And with dN/dS (high values are still an asterisk *)

>> c.nb_sites.graph_omega[0..32]
=> "                3*    6       6 2"

We also provide the raw buffers to adhere to the principle of unexpected use. Test the raw buffers for content:

>> c.header.to_s =~ /seed/
=> 1
>> m0.to_s =~ /one-ratio/
=> 3
>> m3.to_s =~ /discrete/
=> 3
>> c.footer.to_s =~ /Bayes/
=> 16

Finally we do a test on an M7+M8 run. Again, after loading the results file into buf

Invoke Bioruby’s PAML codeml parser

>> c =

Do we have two models?

>> c.models.size
=> 2
>> c.models[0].name
=> "M7"
>> c.models[1].name
=> "M8"

Assert the results are significant

>> c.significant
=> true

Compared to M0/M3 there are some differences. The important ones are the parameters and the full Bayesian result available for M7/M8. This is the naive Bayesian result:

>> c.nb_sites.size
=> 10

And this is the full Bayesian result:

>> c.sites.size
=> 30
>> c.sites[0].to_a
=> [17, "I", 0.672, 2.847]
>> c.sites.graph[0..32]
=> "                **    *       * *"

Note the differences of omega with earlier M0-M3 naive Bayesian analysis:

>> c.sites.graph_omega[0..32]
=> "                24    3       3 2"

The locations are the same, but the omega differs.



Public Class Methods

new(buf) click to toggle source

Parse codeml output file passed with buf, where buf contains the content of a codeml result file

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
222 def initialize buf
223   # split the main buffer into sections for each model, header and footer.
224   sections = buf.split("\nModel ")
225   model_num = sections.size-1
226   raise ReportError,"Incorrect codeml data models=#{model_num}" if model_num > 2
227   foot2 = sections[model_num].split("\nNaive ")
228   if foot2.size == 2
229     # We have a dual model
230     sections[model_num] = foot2[0]
231     @footer = 'Naive '+foot2[1]
232     @models = []
233     sections[1..-1].each do | model_buf |
234       @models.push
235     end
236   else
237     # A single model is run
238     sections = buf.split("\nTREE #")
239     model_num = sections.size-1
240     raise ReportError,"Can not parse single model file" if model_num != 1
241     @models = []
242     @models.push sections[1]
243     @footer = sections[1][/Time used/,1]
244     @single =
245   end
246   @header = sections[0]
247 end

Public Instance Methods

descr() click to toggle source

Give a short description of the models, for example ‘M0-3’

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
250 def descr
251   num = @models.size
252   case num
253     when 0 
254       'No model'
255     when 1 
256       @models[0].name
257     else 
258       @models[0].name + '-' + @models[1].modelnum.to_s
259   end
260 end
nb_sites() click to toggle source

Return a PositiveSites (naive empirical bayesian) object

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
273 def nb_sites
274"Naive Empirical Bayes (NEB)",@footer,num_codons)
275 end
num_codons() click to toggle source

Return the number of condons in the codeml alignment

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
263 def num_codons
264   @header.scan(/seed used = \d+\n\s+\d+\s+\d+/).to_s.split[5].to_i/3
265 end
num_sequences() click to toggle source

Return the number of sequences in the codeml alignment

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
268 def num_sequences
269   @header.scan(/seed used = \d+\n\s+\d+\s+\d+/).to_s.split[4].to_i
270 end
significant() click to toggle source

If the number of models is two we can calculate whether the result is statistically significant, or not, at the 1% significance level. For example, for M7-8 the LRT statistic, or twice the log likelihood difference between the two compared models, may be compared against chi-square, with critical value 9.21 at the 1% significance level.

Here we support a few likely combinations, M0-3, M1-2 and M7-8, used most often in literature. For other combinations, or a different significance level, you’ll have to calculate chi-square yourself.

Returns true or false. If no result is calculated this method raises an error

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
294 def significant
295   raise ReportError,"Wrong number of models #{@models.size}" if @models.size != 2
296   lnL1 = @models[0].lnL
297   model1 = @models[0].modelnum
298   lnL2 = @models[1].lnL
299   model2 = @models[1].modelnum
300   case [model1, model2]
301     when [0,3]
302       2*(lnL2-lnL1) > 13.2767   # chi2: p=0.01, df=4
303     when [1,2]
304       2*(lnL2-lnL1) >  9.2103   # chi2: p=0.01, df=2
305     when [7,8]
306       2*(lnL2-lnL1) >  9.2103   # chi2: p=0.01, df=2
307     else
308       raise ReportError,"Significance calculation for #{descr} not supported"
309   end
310 end
sites() click to toggle source

Return a PositiveSites Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB) analysis

    # File lib/bio/appl/paml/codeml/report.rb
278 def sites
279"Bayes Empirical Bayes (BEB)",@footer,num_codons)
280 end