class Bio::PDB::Model

Bio::PDB::Model is a class to store a model.

The object would contain some chains (Bio::PDB::Chain objects).



chains in this model


serial number of this model. (Integer or nil)


serial number of this model. (Integer or nil)


(OBSOLETE) solvents (water, HOH) in this model


(reserved for future extension)

Public Class Methods

new(serial = nil, structure = nil) click to toggle source

Creates a new Model object

   # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
39 def initialize(serial = nil, structure = nil)
41   @serial = serial
42   @structure = structure
43   @chains = []
44   @chains_hash = {}
45   @solvents ='', self)
46 end

Public Instance Methods

<=>(other) click to toggle source

Operator aimed to sort models based on serial number

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
112 def <=>(other)
113   return @serial <=> other.model_serial
114 end
[](key) click to toggle source

Keyed access to chains

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
117 def [](key)
118   #chain = @chains.find{ |chain| key == }
119   @chains_hash[key]
120 end
addChain(chain) click to toggle source

Adds a chain to this model

   # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
64 def addChain(chain)
65   raise "Expecting a Bio::PDB::Chain" unless chain.is_a? Bio::PDB::Chain
66   @chains.push(chain)
67   if @chains_hash[chain.chain_id] then
68     $stderr.puts "Warning: chain_id #{chain.chain_id.inspect} is already used" if $VERBOSE
69   else
70     @chains_hash[chain.chain_id] = chain
71   end
72   self
73 end
addSolvent(solvent) click to toggle source

(OBSOLETE) Adds a solvent molecule to this model

   # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
94 def addSolvent(solvent)
95   raise "Expecting a Bio::PDB::Residue" unless solvent.is_a? Bio::PDB::Residue
96   @solvents.addResidue(solvent)
97 end
each() { |chain| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each chain

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
105 def each(&x) #:yields: chain
106   @chains.each(&x)
107 end
Also aliased as: each_chain

Alias to override ChainFinder#each_chain

Alias for: each
inspect() click to toggle source

returns a string containing human-readable representation of this object.

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
140 def inspect
141   "#<#{self.class.to_s} serial=#{serial.inspect} chains.size=#{chains.size}>"
142 end
rehash() click to toggle source

rehash chains hash

   # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
76 def rehash
77   begin
78     chains_bak = @chains
79     chains_hash_bak = @chains_hash
80     @chains = []
81     @chains_hash = {}
82     chains_bak.each do |chain|
83       self.addChain(chain)
84     end
85   rescue RuntimeError
86     @chains = chains_bak
87     @chains_hash = chains_hash_bak
88     raise
89   end
90   self
91 end
removeSolvent() click to toggle source

(OBSOLETE) not recommended to use this method

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
100 def removeSolvent
101   @solvents = nil
102 end
to_s() click to toggle source

stringifies to chains

    # File lib/bio/db/pdb/model.rb
123 def to_s
124   string = ""
125   if model_serial
126     string = "MODEL     #{model_serial}\n" #Should use proper formatting
127   end
128   @chains.each{ |chain| string << chain.to_s }
129   #if solvent
130   #  string << @solvent.to_s
131   #end
132   if model_serial
133     string << "ENDMDL\n"
134   end
135   return string
136 end