class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::SortedNumArray

a class to store sorted numerics.

Bio::RestrictionEnzyme internal use only. Please do not create the instance outside Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.

Public Class Methods

[](*args) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array.[]

   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
22 def self.[](*args)
23   a =
24   args.each do |elem|
25     a.push elem
26   end
27   a
28 end
new() click to toggle source

Creates a new object

   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
31 def initialize
32   @hash = {}
33   #clear_cache
34 end

Public Instance Methods

+(other) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#+, but accepts only the same classes instance.

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
124 def +(other)
125   unless other.is_a?(self.class) then
126     raise TypeError, 'unsupported data type'
127   end
128   new_hash = @hash.merge(other.internal_data_hash)
129   result =
130   result.internal_data_hash = new_hash
131   result
132 end
<<(elem) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#<<

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
168 def <<(elem)
169   push_element(elem)
170   self
171 end
==(other) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#==

Calls superclass method
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
135 def ==(other)
136   if r = super(other) then
137     r
138   elsif other.is_a?(self.class) then
139     other.internal_data_hash == @hash
140   else
141     false
142   end
143 end
[](*arg) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#[]

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
103 def [](*arg)
104   #$stderr.puts "SortedNumArray#[]"
105   sorted_keys[*arg]
106 end
[]=(*arg) click to toggle source

Not implemented

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
109 def []=(*arg)
110   raise NotImplementedError, 'SortedNumArray#[]= is not implemented.'
111 end
concat(ary) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#concat

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
146 def concat(ary)
147   ary.each { |elem| push_element(elem) }
148   self
149 end
delete(elem) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#delete

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
195 def delete(elem)
196   #clear_cache
197   @hash.delete(elem) ? elem : nil
198 end
each(&block) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#each

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
114 def each(&block)
115   sorted_keys.each(&block)
116 end
first() click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#first

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
179 def first
180   sorted_keys.first
181 end
include?(elem) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#include?

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
174 def include?(elem)
175   @hash.has_key?(elem)
176 end
initialize_copy(other) click to toggle source

initialize copy

Calls superclass method
   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
37 def initialize_copy(other)
38   super(other)
39   @hash = @hash.dup
40 end
last() click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#last

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
184 def last
185   sorted_keys.last
186 end
Alias for: size
push(*args) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#push

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
152 def push(*args)
153   args.each do |elem|
154     push_element(elem)
155   end
156   self
157 end
reverse_each(&block) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#reverse_each

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
119 def reverse_each(&block)
120   sorted_keys.reverse_each(&block)
121 end
size() click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#size

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
189 def size
190   @hash.size
191 end
Also aliased as: length
sort!(&block) click to toggle source

Does nothing

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
201 def sort!(&block)
202   # does nothing
203   self
204 end
to_a() click to toggle source

Converts to an array

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
213 def to_a
214   #sorted_keys.dup
215   sorted_keys
216 end
uniq!() click to toggle source

Does nothing

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
207 def uniq!
208   # does nothing
209   self
210 end
unshift(*arg) click to toggle source

Same usage as Array#unshift

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
160 def unshift(*arg)
161   arg.reverse_each do |elem|
162     unshift_element(elem)
163   end
164   self
165 end

Protected Instance Methods

internal_data_hash() click to toggle source

gets internal hash object

   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
51 def internal_data_hash
52   @hash
53 end
internal_data_hash=(h) click to toggle source

sets internal hash object

   # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/sorted_num_array.rb
43 def internal_data_hash=(h)
44   #clear_cache
45   @hash = h
46   self
47 end