class Bio::Tree

This is the class for phylogenetic tree. It stores a phylogenetic tree.

Internally, it is based on Bio::Pathway class. However, users cannot handle Bio::Pathway object directly.

This is alpha version. Incompatible changes may be made frequently.



default options



tree options; mainly used for tree output


root node of this tree (even if unrooted tree, it is used by some methods)

Public Class Methods

new(tree = nil) click to toggle source

Creates a new phylogenetic tree. When no arguments are given, it creates a new empty tree. When a Tree object is given, it copies the tree. Note that the new tree shares Node and Edge objects with the given tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
258 def initialize(tree = nil)
259   # creates an undirected adjacency list graph
260   @pathway =[], true)
261   @root = nil
262   @options = {}
263   _init_cache
264   self.concat(tree) if tree
265 end

Public Instance Methods

add_edge(source, target, edge = click to toggle source

Adds a new edge to the tree. Returns the newly added edge. If the edge already exists, it is overwritten with new one.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
380 def add_edge(source, target, edge =
381   _clear_cache
382   @pathway.append(, target, edge))
383   edge
384 end
add_node(node) click to toggle source

Adds a node to the tree. Returns self. If the node already exists, it does nothing.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
402 def add_node(node)
403   _clear_cache
404   @pathway.graph[node] ||= {}
405   self
406 end
adjacency_matrix(nodes = nil, default_value = nil, diagonal_value = nil) { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Shows the adjacency matrix representation of the tree. It shows matrix only for given nodes. If nodes is nil or is ommitted, it acts the same as tree.adjacency_matrix(tree.nodes). If a block is given, for each edge, it yields source, target, and edge, and uses the returned value of the block. Without blocks, it uses edge. Returns a matrix object.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
822 def adjacency_matrix(nodes = nil,
823                      default_value = nil,
824                      diagonal_value = nil) #:yields: source, target, edge
825   nodes ||= self.nodes
826   size = nodes.size
827   hash = {}
828   nodes.each_with_index { |x, i| hash[x] = i }
829   # prepares an matrix
830   matrix =, nil)
831   matrix.collect! { |x|, default_value) }
832   (0...size).each { |i| matrix[i][i] = diagonal_value }
833   # fills the matrix from each edge
834   self.each_edge do |source, target, edge|
835     i_source = hash[source]
836     i_target = hash[target]
837     if i_source and i_target then
838       val = block_given? ? (yield source, target, edge) : edge
839       matrix[i_source][i_target] = val
840       matrix[i_target][i_source] = val
841     end
842   end
843   Matrix.rows(matrix, false)
844 end
adjacent_nodes(node) click to toggle source

Returns an array of adjacent nodes of the given node.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
331 def adjacent_nodes(node)
332   h = @pathway.graph[node]
333   h ? h.keys : []
334 end
ancestors(node, root = nil) click to toggle source

Gets all ancestral nodes of the node. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns an array of Nodes. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
757 def ancestors(node, root = nil)
758   root ||= @root
759   (self.path(root, node) - [ node ]).reverse
760 end
children(node, root = nil) click to toggle source

Gets the adjacent children nodes of the node. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns an array of Nodes. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
701 def children(node, root = nil)
702   root ||= @root
703   c = self.adjacent_nodes(node)
704   c.delete(self.parent(node, root))
705   c
706 end
clear() click to toggle source

Clears all nodes and edges. Returns self. Note that options and root are also cleared.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
289 def clear
290   initialize
291   self
292 end
clear_node(node) click to toggle source

Removes all edges connected with the node. Returns self. If the node does not exist, raises IndexError.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
417 def clear_node(node)
418   unless self.include?(node)
419     raise IndexError, 'the node does not exist'
420   end
421   _clear_cache
422   @pathway.relations.delete_if do |rel|
423     rel.node.include?(node)
424   end
425   @pathway.graph[node].each_key do |k|
426     @pathway.graph[k].delete(node)
427   end
428   @pathway.graph[node].clear
429   self
430 end
collect_edge!() { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Replaces each edge by each block’s return value. Returns self.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
527 def collect_edge! #:yields: source, target, edge
528   _clear_cache
529   @pathway.relations.each do |rel|
530     newedge = yield rel.node[0], rel.node[1], rel.relation
531     rel.edge = newedge
532     @pathway.append(rel, false)
533   end
534   self
535 end
collect_node!() { |node| ... } click to toggle source

Replaces each node by each block’s return value. Returns self.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
506 def collect_node! #:yields: node
507   _clear_cache
508   tr = {}
509   self.each_node do |node|
510     tr[node] = yield node
511   end
512   # replaces nodes in @pathway.relations
513   @pathway.relations.each do |rel|
514     rel.node.collect! { |node| tr[node] }
515   end
516   # re-generates @pathway from relations
517   @pathway.to_list
518   # adds orphan nodes
519   tr.each_value do |newnode|
520     @pathway.graph[newnode] ||= {}
521   end
522   self
523 end
concat(other) click to toggle source

Concatenates the other tree. If the same edge exists, the edge in other is used. Returns self. The result is unspecified if other isn’t a Tree object. Note that the Node and Edge objects in the other tree are shared in the concatinated tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
595 def concat(other)
596   #raise TypeError unless other.kind_of?(self.class)
597   _clear_cache
598   other.each_node do |node|
599     self.add_node(node)
600   end
601   other.each_edge do |node1, node2, edge|
602     self.add_edge(node1, node2, edge)
603   end
604   self
605 end
descendents(node, root = nil) click to toggle source

Gets all descendent nodes of the node. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns an array of Nodes. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
712 def descendents(node, root = nil)
713   root ||= @root
714   distance, route = @pathway.breadth_first_search(root)
715   d = distance[node]
716   result = []
717   distance.each do |key, val|
718     if val > d then
719       x = key
720       while x = route[x]
721         if x == node then
722           result << key
723           break
724         end
725         break if distance[x] <= d
726       end
727     end
728   end
729   result
730 end
distance(node1, node2) click to toggle source

Returns distance between node1 and node2. It would raise error if the edges didn’t contain distance values. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
640 def distance(node1, node2)
641   distance = 0
642   self.each_edge_in_path(node1, node2) do |source, target, edge|
643     distance += get_edge_distance(edge)
644   end
645   distance
646 end
distance_matrix(nodes = nil) click to toggle source

Calculates distance matrix of given nodes. If nodes is nil, or is ommited, it acts the same as tree.distance_matrix(tree.leaves). Returns a matrix object. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees. Note 1: The diagonal values of the matrix are 0. Note 2: If the distance cannot be calculated, nil will be set.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
793 def distance_matrix(nodes = nil)
794   nodes ||= self.leaves
795   matrix = []
796   nodes.each_index do |i|
797     row = []
798     nodes.each_index do |j|
799       if i == j then
800         distance = 0
801       elsif r = matrix[j] and val = r[i] then
802         distance = val
803       else
804         distance = (self.distance(nodes[i], nodes[j]) rescue nil)
805       end
806       row << distance
807     end
808     matrix << row
809   end
810   Matrix.rows(matrix, false)
811 end
each_edge() { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each edges of this tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
311 def each_edge #:yields: source, target, edge
312   @pathway.relations.each do |rel|
313     yield rel.node[0], rel.node[1], rel.relation
314   end
315   self
316 end
each_edge_in_path(node1, node2) { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each edge from node1 to node2. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
626 def each_edge_in_path(node1, node2)
627   path = self.path(node1, node2)
628   source = path.shift
629   path.each do |target|
630     edge = self.get_edge(source, target)
631     yield source, target, edge
632     source = target
633   end
634   self
635 end
each_node() { |node| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each node of this tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
305 def each_node(&x) #:yields: node
306   @pathway.graph.each_key(&x)
307   self
308 end
each_out_edge(source) { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Iterates over each connected edges of the given node. Returns self.

The reason why the method name is “each_out_edge” is that it comes from the Boost Graph Library.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
355 def each_out_edge(source) #:yields: source, target, edge
356   h = @pathway.graph[source]
357   h.each { |key, val| yield source, key, val } if h
358   self
359 end
edges() click to toggle source

Returns all edges an array of [ node0, node1, edge ]

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
319 def edges
320   @pathway.relations.collect do |rel|
321     [ rel.node[0], rel.node[1], rel.relation ]
322   end
323 end
get_edge(source, target) click to toggle source

Returns an edge from source to target. If source and target are not adjacent nodes, returns nil.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
372 def get_edge(source, target)
373   h = @pathway.graph[source]
374   h ? h[target] : nil
375 end
get_edge_distance(edge) click to toggle source

Gets distance value from the given edge. Returns float or any other numeric value or nil.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
100 def get_edge_distance(edge)
101   begin
102     dist = edge.distance
103   rescue NoMethodError
104     dist = edge
105   end
106   dist
107 end
get_edge_distance_string(edge) click to toggle source

Gets distance string from the given edge. Returns a string or nil.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
111 def get_edge_distance_string(edge)
112   begin
113     dist = edge.distance_string
114   rescue NoMethodError
115     dist = (edge ? edge.to_s : nil)
116   end
117   dist
118 end
get_edge_merged(edge1, edge2) click to toggle source

Returns edge1 + edge2

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
121 def get_edge_merged(edge1, edge2)
122   dist1 = get_edge_distance(edge1)
123   dist2 = get_edge_distance(edge2)
124   if dist1 and dist2 then
125 + dist2)
126   elsif dist1 then
128   elsif dist2 then
130   else
132   end
133 end
get_node_bootstrap(node) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
237 def get_node_bootstrap(node)
238   begin
239     node.bootstrap
240   rescue NoMethodError
241     nil
242   end
243 end
get_node_bootstrap_string(node) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
245 def get_node_bootstrap_string(node)
246   begin
247     node.bootstrap_string
248   rescue NoMethodError
249     nil
250   end
251 end
get_node_by_name(str) click to toggle source

Finds a node in the tree by given name and returns the node. If the node does not found, returns nil. If multiple nodes with the same name exist, the result would be one of those (unspecified).

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
390 def get_node_by_name(str)
391   self.each_node do |node|
392     if get_node_name(node) == str
393       return node
394     end
395   end
396   nil
397 end
get_node_name(node) click to toggle source

Gets node name

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
229 def get_node_name(node)
230   begin
232   rescue NoMethodError
233     node.to_s
234   end
235 end
include?(node) click to toggle source

If the node exists, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
410 def include?(node)
411   @pathway.graph[node] ? true : false
412 end
insert_node(node1, node2, new_node, new_distance = nil) click to toggle source

Insert a new node between adjacent nodes node1 and node2. The old edge between node1 and node2 are changed to the edge between new_node and node2. The edge between node1 and new_node is newly created.

If new_distance is specified, the distance between node1 and new_node is set to new_distance, and distance between new_node and node2 is set to tree.get_edge(node1, node2).distance - new_distance.

Returns self. If node1 and node2 are not adjacent, raises IndexError.

If new_node already exists in the tree, the tree would become circular. In addition, if the edge between new_node and node1 (or node2) already exists, it will be erased.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
890 def insert_node(node1, node2, new_node, new_distance = nil)
891   unless edge = self.get_edge(node1, node2) then
892     raise IndexError, 'nodes not found or two nodes are not adjacent'
893   end
894   _clear_cache
895   new_edge =
896   self.remove_edge(node1, node2)
897   self.add_edge(node1, new_node, new_edge)
898   if new_distance and old_distance = get_edge_distance(edge) then
899     old_distance -= new_distance
900     begin
901       edge.distance = old_distance
902     rescue NoMethodError
903       edge = old_distance
904     end
905   end
906   self.add_edge(new_node, node2, edge)
907   self
908 end
leaves(node = nil, root = nil) click to toggle source

If node is nil, returns an array of all leaves (nodes connected with one edge). Otherwise, gets all descendent leaf nodes of the node. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns an array of Nodes. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
738 def leaves(node = nil, root = nil)
739   unless node then
740     nodes = []
741     self.each_node do |x|
742       nodes << x if self.out_degree(x) == 1
743     end
744     return nodes
745   else
746     root ||= @root
747     self.descendents(node, root).find_all do |x|
748       self.adjacent_nodes(x).size == 1
749     end
750   end
751 end
lowest_common_ancestor(node1, node2, root = nil) click to toggle source

Gets the lowest common ancestor of the two nodes. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns a Node object or nil. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
766 def lowest_common_ancestor(node1, node2, root = nil)
767   root ||= @root
768   _, route = @pathway.breadth_first_search(root)
769   x = node1; r1 = []
770   begin; r1 << x; end while x = route[x]
771   x = node2; r2 = []
772   begin; r2 << x; end while x = route[x]
773   return (r1 & r2).first
774 end
newick(options = {})
Alias for: output_newick
nodes() click to toggle source

Returns all nodes as an array.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
295 def nodes
296   @pathway.graph.keys
297 end
number_of_edges() click to toggle source

Returns number of edges in the tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
326 def number_of_edges
327   @pathway.relations.size
328 end
number_of_nodes() click to toggle source

Number of nodes.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
300 def number_of_nodes
301   @pathway.nodes
302 end
out_degree(source) click to toggle source

Returns number of edges in the given node.

The reason why the method name is “out_degree” is that it comes from the Boost Graph Library.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
365 def out_degree(source)
366   h = @pathway.graph[source]
367   h ? h.size : 0
368 end
out_edges(source) click to toggle source

Returns all connected edges with adjacent nodes. Returns an array of the array [ source, target, edge ].

The reason why the method name is “out_edges” is that it comes from the Boost Graph Library.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
341 def out_edges(source)
342   h = @pathway.graph[source]
343   if h
344     h.collect { |key, val| [ source, key, val ] }
345   else
346     []
347   end
348 end
output(format, *arg, &block) click to toggle source

Returns formatted text (or something) of the tree Currently supported format is: :newick, :nhx

    # File lib/bio/tree/output.rb
230 def output(format, *arg, &block)
231   case format
232   when :newick
233     output_newick(*arg, &block)
234   when :nhx
235     output_nhx(*arg, &block)
236   when :phylip_distance_matrix
237     output_phylip_distance_matrix(*arg, &block)
238   else
239     raise 'Unknown format'
240   end
241 end
output_newick(options = {}) { |node1, node2| ... } click to toggle source

Returns a newick formatted string. If block is given, the order of the node is sorted (as the same manner as Enumerable#sort).

Available options:


indent string; set false to disable (default: ‘ ’)


:disabled disables bootstrap representations. :traditional for traditional style. :molphy for Molphy style (default).

    # File lib/bio/tree/output.rb
198 def output_newick(options = {}, &block) #:yields: node1, node2
199   root = @root
200   root ||= self.nodes.first
201   return '();' unless root
202   __to_newick([], root, 0, :__to_newick_format_leaf, options, &block) +
203     __to_newick_format_leaf(root,, options) +
204     ";\n"
205 end
Also aliased as: newick
output_nhx(options = {}) { |node1, node2| ... } click to toggle source

Returns a NHX (New Hampshire eXtended) formatted string. If block is given, the order of the node is sorted (as the same manner as Enumerable#sort).

Available options:


indent string; set false to disable (default: ‘ ’)

    # File lib/bio/tree/output.rb
218 def output_nhx(options = {}, &block) #:yields: node1, node2
219   root = @root
220   root ||= self.nodes.first
221   return '();' unless root
222   __to_newick([], root, 0,
223               :__to_newick_format_leaf_NHX, options, &block) +
224     __to_newick_format_leaf_NHX(root,, options) +
225     ";\n"
226 end
output_phylip_distance_matrix(nodes = nil, options = {}) click to toggle source

Generates phylip-style distance matrix as a string. if nodes is not given, all leaves in the tree are used. If the names of some of the given (or default) nodes are not defined or are empty, the names are automatically generated.

    # File lib/bio/tree/output.rb
251 def output_phylip_distance_matrix(nodes = nil, options = {})
252   nodes = self.leaves unless nodes
253   names = nodes.collect do |x|
254     y = get_node_name(x)
255     y = sprintf("%x", x.__id__.abs) if y.empty?
256     y
257   end
258   m = self.distance_matrix(nodes)
259   Bio::Phylip::DistanceMatrix.generate(m, names, options)
260 end
parent(node, root = nil) click to toggle source

Gets the parent node of the node. If root isn’t specified or root is nil, @root is used. Returns an Node object or nil. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
687 def parent(node, root = nil)
688   root ||= @root
689   raise IndexError, 'can not get parent for unrooted tree' unless root
690   unless ret = _get_cached_parent(node, root) then
691     ret = self.path(root, node)[-2]
692     _cache_parent(node, ret, root)
693   end
694   ret
695 end
path(node1, node2) click to toggle source

Gets path from node1 to node2. Returns an array of nodes, including node1 and node2. If node1 and/or node2 do not exist, IndexError is raised. If node1 and node2 are not connected, NoPathError is raised. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
612 def path(node1, node2)
613   raise IndexError, 'node1 not found' unless @pathway.graph[node1]
614   raise IndexError, 'node2 not found' unless @pathway.graph[node2]
615   return [ node1 ] if node1 == node2
616   return [ node1, node2 ] if @pathway.graph[node1][node2]
617   _, path = @pathway.bfs_shortest_path(node1, node2)
618   unless path[0] == node1 and path[-1] == node2 then
619     raise NoPathError, 'node1 and node2 are not connected'
620   end
621   path
622 end
remove_edge(source, target) click to toggle source

# Removes an edge between source and target. # Returns self. # If the edge does not exist, raises IndexError. +

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
465 def remove_edge(source, target)
466   unless self.get_edge(source, target) then
467     raise IndexError, 'edge not found'
468   end
469   _clear_cache
470   fwd = [ source, target ]
471   rev = [ target, source ]
472   @pathway.relations.delete_if do |rel|
473     rel.node == fwd or rel.node == rev
474   end
475   h = @pathway.graph[source]
476   h.delete(target) if h
477   h = @pathway.graph[target]
478   h.delete(source) if h
479   self
480 end
remove_edge_if() { |source, target, edge| ... } click to toggle source

Removes each edge if the block returns not nil. Returns self.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
484 def remove_edge_if #:yields: source, target, edge
485   _clear_cache
486   removed_rel = []
487   @pathway.relations.delete_if do |rel|
488     if yield rel.node[0], rel.node[1], rel.edge then
489       removed_rel << rel
490       true
491     end
492   end
493   removed_rel.each do |rel|
494     source = rel.node[0]
495     target = rel.node[1]
496     h = @pathway.graph[source]
497     h.delete(target) if h
498     h = @pathway.graph[target]
499     h.delete(source) if h
500   end
501   self
502 end
remove_node(node) click to toggle source

Removes the given node from the tree. All edges connected with the node are also removed. Returns self. If the node does not exist, raises IndexError.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
436 def remove_node(node)
437   #_clear_cache #done in clear_node(node)
438   self.clear_node(node)
439   @pathway.graph.delete(node)
440   self
441 end
remove_node_if() { |node then clear_node| ... } click to toggle source

Removes each node if the block returns not nil. All edges connected with the removed nodes are also removed. Returns self.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
446 def remove_node_if
447   #_clear_cache #done in clear_node(node)
448   all = self.nodes
449   all.each do |node|
450     if yield node then
451       self.clear_node(node)
452       @pathway.graph.delete(node)
453     end
454   end
455   self
456 end
remove_nonsense_nodes() click to toggle source

Removes all nodes that are not branches nor leaves. That is, removes nodes connected with exactly two edges. For each removed node, two adjacent edges are merged and a new edge are created. Returns removed nodes. Note that orphan nodes are still kept unchanged.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
852 def remove_nonsense_nodes
853   _clear_cache
854   hash = {}
855   self.each_node do |node|
856     hash[node] = true if @pathway.graph[node].size == 2
857   end
858   hash.each_key do |node|
859     adjs = @pathway.graph[node].keys
860     edges = @pathway.graph[node].values
861     new_edge = get_edge_merged(edges[0], edges[1])
862     @pathway.graph[adjs[0]].delete(node)
863     @pathway.graph[adjs[1]].delete(node)
864     @pathway.graph.delete(node)
865     @pathway.append([0], adjs[1], new_edge))
866   end
867   #@pathway.to_relations
868   @pathway.relations.reject! do |rel|
869     hash[rel.node[0]] or hash[rel.node[1]]
870   end
871   return hash.keys
872 end
subtree(nodes) click to toggle source

Gets the sub-tree consisted of given nodes. nodes must be an array of nodes. Nodes that do not exist in the original tree are ignored. Returns a Tree object. Note that the sub-tree shares Node and Edge objects with the original tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
543 def subtree(nodes)
544   nodes = nodes.find_all do |x|
545     @pathway.graph[x]
546   end
547   return if nodes.empty?
548   # creates subtree
549   new_tree =
550   nodes.each do |x|
551     new_tree.add_node(x)
552   end
553   self.each_edge do |node1, node2, edge|
554     if new_tree.include?(node1) and new_tree.include?(node2) then
555       new_tree.add_edge(node1, node2, edge)
556     end
557   end
558   return new_tree
559 end
subtree_with_all_paths(nodes) click to toggle source

Gets the sub-tree consisted of given nodes and all internal nodes connected between given nodes. nodes must be an array of nodes. Nodes that do not exist in the original tree are ignored. Returns a Tree object. The result is unspecified for cyclic trees. Note that the sub-tree shares Node and Edge objects with the original tree.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
569 def subtree_with_all_paths(nodes)
570   hash = {}
571   nodes.each { |x| hash[x] = true }
572   nodes.each_index do |i|
573     node1 = nodes[i]
574     (0...i).each do |j|
575       node2 = nodes[j]
576       unless node1 == node2 then
577         begin
578           path = self.path(node1, node2)
579         rescue IndexError, NoPathError
580           path = []
581         end
582         path.each { |x| hash[x] = true }
583       end
584     end
585   end
586   self.subtree(hash.keys)
587 end
total_distance() click to toggle source

Returns total distance of all edges. It would raise error if some edges didn’t contain distance values.

    # File lib/bio/tree.rb
778 def total_distance
779   distance = 0
780   self.each_edge do |source, target, edge|
781     distance += get_edge_distance(edge)
782   end
783   distance
784 end