class Bio::Blast


The Bio::Blast class contains methods for running local or remote BLAST searches, as well as for parsing of the output of such BLASTs (i.e. the BLAST reports). For more information on similarity searches and the BLAST program, see


require 'bio'

# To run an actual BLAST analysis:
#   1. create a BLAST factory
remote_blast_factory = Bio::Blast.remote('blastp', 'swissprot',
                                         '-e 0.0001', 'genomenet')
local_blast_factory = Bio::Blast.local('blastn','/path/to/db')

#   2. run the actual BLAST by querying the factory
report = remote_blast_factory.query(sequence_text)

# Then, to parse the report, see Bio::Blast::Report

See also
