class Bio::RestrictionEnzyme::DoubleStranded

A pair of SingleStrand and SingleStrandComplement objects with methods to add utility to their relation.


FIXME needs better docs



The complement strand


Cut locations in 0-based index format, DoubleStranded::CutLocations object


Cut locations in enzyme index notation, DoubleStranded::CutLocationsInEnzymeNotation object


The primary strand

Public Class Methods

new(erp, *raw_cut_pairs) click to toggle source

One of three possible parameters: The name of an enzyme, a REBASE::EnzymeEntry object, or a nucleotide pattern with a cut mark.


The cut locations in enzyme index notation.

Enzyme index notation

1..n, value before 1 is -1

Examples of the allowable cut locations for raw_cut_pairs follows. ‘p’ and ‘c’ refer to a cut location on the ‘p’rimary and ‘c’omplement strands.

1, [3,2], [20,22], 57
p, [p,c], [p, c],  p

Which is the same as:

1, (3..2), (20..22), 57
p, (p..c), (p..c),   p

Examples of partial cuts:

1, [nil,2], [20,nil], 57
p, [p,  c], [p, c],   p
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
 70 def initialize(erp, *raw_cut_pairs)
 71   # 'erp' : 'E'nzyme / 'R'ebase / 'P'attern
 72   k = erp.class
 74   if k == Bio::REBASE::EnzymeEntry
 75     # Passed a Bio::REBASE::EnzymeEntry object
 77     unless raw_cut_pairs.empty?
 78       err = "A Bio::REBASE::EnzymeEntry object was passed, however the cut locations contained values.  Ambiguous or redundant.\n"
 79       err += "inspect = #{raw_cut_pairs.inspect}"
 80       raise ArgumentError, err
 81     end
 82     initialize_with_rebase( erp )
 84   elsif erp.kind_of? String
 85     # Passed something that could be an enzyme pattern or an anzyme name
 87     # Decide if this String is an enzyme name or a pattern
 88     if Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.enzyme_name?( erp )
 89       # FIXME we added this to rebase...
 90       # Check if it's a known name
 91       known_enzyme = false
 92       known_enzyme = true if Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.rebase[ erp ]
 94       # Try harder to find the enzyme
 95       unless known_enzyme
 96         re = %r"^#{erp}$"i
 97         Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.rebase.each { |name, v| (known_enzyme = true; erp = name; break) if name =~ re }
 98       end
100       if known_enzyme
101         initialize_with_rebase( Bio::RestrictionEnzyme.rebase[erp] )
102       else
103         raise IndexError, "No entry found for enzyme named '#{erp}'"
104       end
106     else
107       # Not an enzyme name, so a pattern is assumed
108       if erp =~ re_cut_symbol
109         initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_symbols( erp )
110       else
111         initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_locations( erp, raw_cut_pairs )
112       end
113     end
115   elsif k == NilClass
116     err = "Passed a nil value.  Perhaps you tried to pass a Bio::REBASE::EnzymeEntry that does not exist?\n"
117     err += "inspect = #{erp.inspect}"
118     raise ArgumentError, err
119   else
120     err = "I don't know what to do with class #{k} for erp.\n"
121     err += "inspect = #{erp.inspect}"
122     raise ArgumentError, err
123   end
125 end

Public Instance Methods

aligned_strands() click to toggle source

See AlignedStrands.align

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
128 def aligned_strands
129   AlignedStrands.align(@primary.pattern, @complement.pattern)
130 end
aligned_strands_with_cuts() click to toggle source

See AlignedStrands.align_with_cuts

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
133 def aligned_strands_with_cuts
134   AlignedStrands.align_with_cuts(@primary.pattern, @complement.pattern, @primary.cut_locations, @complement.cut_locations)
135 end
blunt?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the cut pattern creates blunt fragments. (opposite of sticky)

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
139 def blunt?
140   as = aligned_strands_with_cuts
141   ary = [as.primary, as.complement]
142   ary.collect! { |seq| seq.split( cut_symbol ) }
143   # convert the cut sections to their lengths
144   ary.each { |i| i.collect! { |c| c.length } }
145   ary[0] == ary[1]
146 end
create_action_at( offset ) click to toggle source

Takes a RestrictionEnzyme object and a numerical offset to the sequence and returns an EnzymeAction




Numerical offset of where the enzyme action occurs on the seqeunce

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
159 def create_action_at( offset )
160   # x is the size of the fully aligned sequence with maximum padding needed
161   # to make a match on the primary and complement strand.
162   #
163   # For example -
164   # Note how EcoRII needs extra padding on the beginning and ending of the
165   # sequence 'ccagg' to make the match since the cut must occur between
166   # two nucleotides and can not occur on the very end of the sequence.
167   #
168   #   EcoRII:
169   #     :blunt: "0"
170   #     :c2: "5"
171   #     :c4: "0"
172   #     :c1: "-1"
173   #     :pattern: CCWGG
174   #     :len: "5"
175   #     :name: EcoRII
176   #     :c3: "0"
177   #     :ncuts: "2"
178   #
179   #        -1 1 2 3 4 5
180   #   5' - n^c c w g g n - 3'
181   #   3' - n g g w c c^n - 5'
182   #
183   #   (w == [at])
185   x = aligned_strands.primary.size
187   enzyme_action = offset,
188                                     offset + x-1,
189                                     offset,
190                                     offset + x-1)
192   @cut_locations.each do |cut_location_pair|
193     # cut_pair is a DoubleStranded::CutLocationPair
194     p, c = cut_location_pair.primary, cut_location_pair.complement
195     if c >= p
196       enzyme_action.add_cut_range(offset+p, nil, nil, offset+c)
197     else
198       enzyme_action.add_cut_range(nil, offset+p, offset+c, nil)
199     end
200   end
202   enzyme_action
203 end
sticky?() click to toggle source

Returns true if the cut pattern creates sticky fragments. (opposite of blunt)

    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
150 def sticky?
151   !blunt?
152 end

Protected Instance Methods

create_cut_locations(raw_cl) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
301 def create_cut_locations(raw_cl)
302   @cut_locations_in_enzyme_notation = *raw_cl.collect {|cl|} )
303   @cut_locations = @cut_locations_in_enzyme_notation.to_array_index
304 end
create_primary_and_complement(primary_seq, p_cuts, c_cuts) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
296 def create_primary_and_complement(primary_seq, p_cuts, c_cuts)
297   @primary = primary_seq, p_cuts )
298   @complement = primary_seq.forward_complement, c_cuts )
299 end
initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_locations( s, raw_cl ) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
291 def initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_locations( s, raw_cl )
292   create_cut_locations(raw_cl)
293   create_primary_and_complement(, @cut_locations_in_enzyme_notation.primary, @cut_locations_in_enzyme_notation.complement )
294 end
initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_symbols( s ) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
279 def initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_symbols( s )
280   p_cl = strip_padding(s) )
281   s = strip_cuts_and_padding(s) )
283   # * Reflect cuts that are in enzyme notation
284   # * 0 is not a valid enzyme index, decrement 0 and all negative
285   c_cl = p_cl.collect {|n| (n >= s.length or n < 1) ? ((s.length - n) - 1) : (s.length - n)}
287   create_cut_locations( )
288   create_primary_and_complement( s, p_cl, c_cl )
289 end
initialize_with_rebase( e ) click to toggle source
    # File lib/bio/util/restriction_enzyme/double_stranded.rb
306 def initialize_with_rebase( e )
307   p_cl = [e.primary_strand_cut1, e.primary_strand_cut2]
308   c_cl = [e.complementary_strand_cut1, e.complementary_strand_cut2]
310   # If there's no cut in REBASE it's represented as a 0.
311   # 0 is an invalid index, it just means no cut.
312   p_cl.delete(0)
313   c_cl.delete(0)
314   raise IndexError unless p_cl.size == c_cl.size
315   initialize_with_pattern_and_cut_locations( e.pattern, )
316 end